Thursday, August 7, 2014

Moving Student's Grade Level

If you are a school librarian and not re-importing your student records, one common task is to move students up a grade.  Here is the procedure.

You can move the students up to the next grade by using the ‘Find and Replace’ feature on the Advanced page in the Patrons module.  Make sure you start with the highest grade and work your way down.

First, you’ll want to delete the patrons in the highest grade.  Do the appropriate search to find all the patrons in the highest grade, then go to the Advanced page and use the Global Delete command near the bottom.  This will delete all the patrons in the find set (those for which you just searched).  If any of theses patrons have existing transactions their records will NOT be deleted.  You may want to change their grade to something like GRAD.  

To advance the rest of the grades, go to the Advanced page and use the Find and Replace command.
1. Select the appropriate field name (Grade, Code, etc) from the drop down menu.  Make sure you start with the highest grade and work your way down.
2. In the ‘Find’ box, enter the information from last year that you want to change
3. In the ‘Replace’ box, enter the new information.
4. Click the ‘Find and Replace’ button.

Repeat these steps for the other grades.

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